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A culinary journey to Bhutan

Can food be the reason why Bhutan is the happiest nation in the world? Nellie Huang goes to the Himalayan nation to find out.

by Nellie Huang

Top 10 travel trends for 2022

Gazing into our crystal ball (and consulting our global panel) forecasts a more purposeful and intentional travel year ahead

by G Adventures

How Not to Take a Travel Photo

Do you suffer from boring travel photo syndrome? Don’t worry! Travel photographer Peter West Carey’s got your cure!

by Peter West Carey

C'mon Get Happy: Bhutan's Sunny Outlook on Life

This small Himalayan country has managed to quietly stay off the radar for many travellers, but those in the know – and those looking for their own piece of spirituality – are aware that Bhutan’s got a ton to offer

by Caitlin Hotchkiss

The Pageantry And Chaos Of Bhutanese Monk Debates

Calm at first, the atmosphere is soon broken with loud shouts and the sound of hands slapping, feet stomping. With each passing moment, the typically calm group grows more raucous, vocal and seemingly violent toward each other

by Peter West Carey